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How to make a catalog

1 – Identity: Brand Logo and name
It is very important: it is your company spirit, name, life. You should make clear this to people. Your logo, your image (any model, person, character, place, etc) name, motto, colors. What your company is, you should know it and spread it.

2 – Design: how your catalog is organized
You need to think about the flow of the reading, how to set all your products and services to be easy to find and take decisions. Put into your customers shoes, and try to design in that way. Must be clear, readable, and if possible, with images and pictures of the issue. This is a tool to fill with photos!

3 – Create promos: make your product interesting
Create some promos to people who read catalogs. Sometimes that kind of people buys a lot, so make that action easy. Mix products, create combos, go to your nearby stores to create needs for other kind of customers (for instance, if you have a clothing store, invite some restaurant to make discounts for your clients)

4 – Make season catalogs: split your field.
If you have a seasonable product inventory (such as clothing, food, fashion store) it is better to create catalogs for every timespan. Even hollidays or special occasions. Don’t fill with products don’t actually have in stock. You only will do harder to understand and they will hide the important products

If you have some doubts, call the Catalog Specialists!

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